You can do a multitude of things on Steam as the Steam library is almost never-ending. Gamers also prefer Steam due to the amount of customization the app allows the users.
Launch options and other similar customizations can be altered via tweaking some settings. Read on to find out about launch options in Steam. Check out the best streaming sticks on Amazon that won’t let you down!
What Are Steam Launch Options?
Launch options are a set of code/settings that allow the user to launch a game/app in the way they want it to.
Launch options supersede the settings of the games/apps and launch the game in the way that the user wants it to. This can solve a lot of issues such as incompatible video settings, windowed screens, etc.
How to Set Launch Options on Steam?
It is pretty easy to set launch options for an app on Steam. Follow the steps below to understand this process.
- Open your Steam library on the Steam app.
- Select the game you want to customize and right-click on its title.
- Select the “Properties” option from the drop-down menu that appears after the right-click.
- In the “General tab” of the “Properties” options, find the section that says, “Launch options.”
- Enter the launch options you want to apply in this section.
- Your launch options will be in a coded form, and the code for launch options is available on Steam community servers.
- Close the properties window and launch the game you just customized.
If the launch options fail, there is probably some issue with the code you have typed in.
How to Add Multiple Launch Options to Steam?
You can add multiple launch options for a single app by following the same steps given in the section above.
You need to separate each launch option code with a space. This will allow each code to work individually when you eventually launch the game.
The amount of customization that Steam allows is incredible. The multiple launch options setting is a testament to Steam’s dedication to customization.
How to Change the Resolution on Steam Launch Options?
There are many launch options available that work with most games. However, there are some games that are not compatible with the options explained below.
For games that do not seem to accept such options, you must search game-specific launch options online.
For most games, the resolutions resizing launch options are:
-h <height>
Putting this code in and setting the <height> value to the number of pixels you want in the frame height will launch the game with that number of pixels. For example, “-h 720” will launch the game with 720 pixels in the screen’s height.
-w <width>
Putting this code in and setting the <width> value to the number of pixels you want in the frame width will launch the game with that number of pixels. For example, “-w 1024” will launch the game with 720 pixels in the screen’s width.
You can use both codes simultaneously to change the resolution. You may need to use the plus sign sometimes at the start of the code.
How Do I Limit Fps on Steam Launch Options?
Adding the following code will allow you to limit the FPS of the game on your device: –set /Config/CONFIG/maxFpsValue <x>.
In this code, replace the value of <x> with the fps you want your game to be limited at. For example, “–set /Config/CONFIG/maxFpsValue 60” will limit your game’s FPS to 60.
How to Change Launch Options Without Steam?
Follow the steps below to add launch options without using the Steam client.
- Create a shortcut of the game’s exe by holding the ALT button and dragging it across the screen.
- Click this shortcut and press ALT and ENTER simultaneously.
- In these “Properties,” find the “Target” field.
- Click inside the “Target” field and add all your launch options.
- A space and a hyphen must precede each launch option.
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You can customize your game in a number of launch options. You can add options using the steps provided by this article.
Hi there, technology lovers! My name is James, I am an admin and a frequent writer for this blog. I am a techno-geek, so this blog is the place where I want to share all my knowledge with you to make your life a little bit easier in terms of dealing with technology.